terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Monday, January 05, 2004

one sixteen in the morning. came home with me parents near twelve. while taking me ablution, i freaked. where the camera? rushed down to the car with dearest mother and found it in the boot. thank God. all's well for now.

saw you last night, danced by the light of the moon. stars in your eyes free from the life you knew. ben folds's magic. eyes free from the life you knew. is it ever possible to be free of the life youve lived each day? delusion is necessary? or denial? two possibilities i and perhaps, you, chase aye?

no school tomorrow but will be out of the house before 8. things to do. kate's on. ben folds' as well. the chorus is filled with lots of piano, drums, and shouts of the name 'kate'. a tap-bop-beat-nod-song. ends very nicely- abruptly.

ooh..ladies and gentlemen. beatnuts are in the house! with watch out now. yep. shake it now. a yummy song. not buggle-gum yummy. a ruffus song. hip-hop, rap, yep. of course you know that yep is not a genre. yep.

oh mine. its coldplay. with shiver. i can relate to this song. brilliant song. brilliant band. did you want me to change? well i changed for good and i want you to know that youll always get your way. i wanted to say dont you shiver. dont you shiver. shiver from their first album. if i recall correctly, its from parachutes.

another ben folds' song. mellow introduction. take a listen. from the back of the big brown eyes i knew that youd be gone as soon as you could and i hoped you would. we could see that you werent yourself and the lines on your face did tell. its just as well youd never be yourself again. sigh sigh.

what can i tell you. well, cousins and aunts, basically the rest of the family from my paternal side, came over to my place on sat. at about ten forty five at night. they had their late dinner, early supper, whichever, after which, talked, gossiped, family shit. but its good shit. shit i enjoy and look forward to really. anyhow, us kids played monopoly and that was near twelve in the morning. lasted near two short hours. they left my place at about 2 plus. by the time mom and me cleared the mess, it was near 230am. turned in near 3. exhausting, yes but fun. enjoy family gatherings. dont know about you but a great part of which, for me, depends on the company. or else, just grin and bear it. or dont even bother to. depends on me mood of the day.

so then i took my turn. o what a thing to have done. and it was all yellow. aah. coldplay. still remember when i bought the album and rushed to the cd-player to take a listen. my younger cousin of hmm..4 or 3 then, liked it. sigh. brilliant. look how they shine for you. bravo dears.

coldplay galore! clocks is on. the song is on the soundtrack of the upcoming movie 'peter pan'. when peter and wendy were flying. simply brilliant aye? doo doo doo doo doo doo...ooh...oh! nothing else compares. oh nothing else compares...doo doo doo doo doo.


doo doo doo doo doo doo..the piano. then the drums and the guitar. sigh. and martin's vocals. very satisfying. ha. *burp*


no school tomorrow. wrote that already. school was officially over on the tenth of october last year. which was 5 days ago. time flies. time flys? it has and is, yes? too fast, leaving me in wonder and fear. doesnt it for you?

3eb's motorcyle is playing. their 'the background' is a good listen. oh jay z is on. with big pimpin. love the rhythm. a killer beat. another yum this one. maybe nurul might enjoy it and lap it up whole. ha. read your latest entry. agree with your stand on that ever trivialised subject. however, dont think ive ever felt that emotion except for my parents and many other dear peeps. love them.

its not so bad. youre only the best i ever had. you dont need me back. it may take sometime to pass me up inside. and i cant take it so i run away and hide. and i may find in time that you were always right. so you sailed away into a grey sky morning. now im here to stay. love can be so boring. what was it you wanted? could it be a mountain?

vertical horizon. grey sky morning. depressing. for me. ooh..lets get depressed. ive got a sure-lets-get-depressed songs in me jukebox. reminders of the past and present. morbid yes but if youre in the mood to get depressed or more depressed, here are a few. enjoy.

1. strange and beautiful- aqualung
2. smile- lyle lovett
3. immortal- evanescence
4. one last cry- brian mcknight
5. when you're gone- cranberries
6. turn back the hands of time- r kelly
7. when i look in your eyes- diana krall
8. angel- amanda perez
9. light in your eyes- blessid union of souls

morbid. but hey, crying is healthy you know. told aishah that. cry your pain. let it out. may not necessarily go away but it is some strange way healthy. well at least thats what i read about. send me an angel. smile though you heart is aching. one last cry before i leave it all behind.

ive learnt now that things could be worse. i said this before if you remember. things could be worse. definitely. and of course, things could be better. but, thank God that things are as they are for things could be worse. altogether now..things could be worse. lived on the motto that things could be better before. just pulled me down. made me ill and all.

growing up and learning slowly that life is not at all fun and that some things are fated has taught me to appreciate life for what it is. grew to thank God that a dear friend was taken away and not my limbs or my parents. but im human- i continue to wish things to be different, to be better but always remembering to pull myself back to the present and be grateful for the now. i love my parents. and diana krall's song is just bloody depressing. shut up? sigh. just grin and bear it.

those eyes. so wise. so warm. so real. how i love the way you eyes see me? couldnt catch the end. boys-ta-men's water runs dry is another sob hit. where they been?

we dont even talk anymore. we dont even know what we argue about. snap snap snap. finger snapping is abound in this song.

well then, id better snap myself to sleep as well. guten nacht.