terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Sunday, December 21, 2003

look at the time. moms sleeping and dads working. tis the season to be jolly so security is tight-er than usual so poor old dad is on ambush of sorts.

spent near an hour trying to figure out this blog system. strange ways of communicating the comp. lalala.. lots of brackets and apostrophes. strange. im getting rather peeved with the system especially with the many communication breakdowns i experienced within the last hour. but nevermind. there's later in the day to figure this puzzle.

neck is feeling a bit of a strain. eyes droopy. and ive yawned once so far. another's on the way. i can feel it. there...it has been raining the whole day, im wearing a sweater on with the zip up. cold. my aunt was here before from overseas and she complained about the humidity and the heat and ha..strange. once you get accustomed to something, every other thing would seem strange. strange..well not completely. its logical, no?

sigh. just babbling on to meself. terse thoughts indeed. sunday..my tuk or grandfather in english, will be home tomorrow and that would mean spending the next few nights at my cousin's. shall bring me boardgame with me. monopoly and its the singapore version. spent some of me hari raya dosh on it. har..talking of which, its coming to an end.

dap dap dee..just wanted to add some life on this quiet night. in me study room. i have weird neighbours. so am i and the rest of the family. dum de doo.

welcome to blogger. this is the main blogger editing screen. i could not understand dung about it. greek. german. swedish. ha. tom green. my butt is on swedish, swedish..strange. quirky. lunatic? dont think so. his actions are not tenable, yes but he earns a living out of them. a sensible man but quirky. for sure.

and that concludes tonight's look at the strange idiosyncrasies of today's celebrities. im barbara walters. good night. and so, good night.