terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Saturday, December 20, 2003

good God. what have i put myself into. the nature of a blog is very public. hmm, hence the title: terse thoughts. of the termagant. shall try my best to be brief. try.

situation: parents are snoozing and im surfing. cant sleep. been sleeping near 4 every day. distorted my sleeping pattern what with me waking up in the afternoon at 1414 once and counting. i managed to catch only 10min of cheers that day.

life without cable and ha..school is mundane, to say the least. but hey, change is good yes? lots of things to do at home but considering the fact that i stand firm to my principles of procrastination, i'll just do them tomorrow ya?

time flies ya. im an aunt. my nephew is 10. so is one of my cousins. my niece is 7. im 18. the youngest family member is just a few days old. a girl. adorable too. her mom requests her 1st son and this 2nd daughter of hers to call me 'caci'. her husband hails from pakistan and we all cant communicate with the son verbally. he is 3 this year. i want to swim. maybe tmr..

terse thoughts of the termagant. you think? o hallo there. excuse me for not acknowledging you. ive got a journal both in hard and soft copy. hard copy is hard. its a hard cover, see. the soft copy is on me comp.
right then.

moving on.

how was your day? a big harlo to aishah, duck aka noraida and you, if you're reading this diligently...ive no idea how to work this blog except to type me 'terse' thoughts and publishing it. need technological assistance. no rush. gracias.

well then, in keeping with the title as either a reason or an excuse for not knowing what else to blabber about, i shall end this post in a few words more.
good night.