terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

'banana pancakes by jack johnson'

cant you see that its raining. aint no need to go outside.
we could close the curtains and pretend there aint no world outside.

ahaha. mmhmmm. lets just pretend we the only people around.
telephone rings and we dont pick up.
everything we need is here and everything here is enough?
mmhmmm. wake up slow he says.

its the bleeding eight week of school !!!

i cant wake up slow. i been walking slow as it is. and if i were to wake up slow - good God! the world does not revolve around us. around me! aiyaiyai. work is piling up like them junk in china, india and some cramped place in spore. lets see. hmm. three books from scifi. another three from amlit. an essay for scifi. an archive for amlit. a draft for amlit. an essay for amlit. an essay for religion. an essay for film. oh and three more posts for religion. good GOD!!! and back here we already have him and them to (excuse for the lack of a better word but i do have the bleeding right to be unbridled by them probing eyes and minds) so where was i..yes. back here, we already have him and them to deal with so. so! its a long lingering arduous ball-busting back-breaking journey blah. its almost comparable to them mazes cept without the dancing cards, frantic babbling rabbit and the zany striped cat.

baah! and what irks me more is that by the end of the sem, i am certain to wonder where the time went. hmm where did it go raudha? well there waaas the ranting and complaining and shuffling, no? was there the working? hmm. hmm! goodness raudha like move on and smell 'em coffee before you be grinded yourself. that sounds most familiar. where did i hear that line from hmm? hmm. who been saying hmm alot eh? hmm. was from some book. hmm. oh yes! benjamin! ahh yes. the loin man.

hmm. dr ravi. an ex. j.b. ma-dough. hmm...hohohoh..

work daa raudha.