terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Saturday, September 03, 2005

'miracle by josh rouse'

it comes when happiness overwhelms. it comes and happiness leaves abruptly- you are left doubting whether happiness was an illusion, a dream, a yesterday too far away worth reminiscing. it comes and stays- gnawing slowly almost as if dancing with you, teasing and taunting its hold on you. it comes and it feels forever- it feels like your heartbeat, your breath, your hair fluttering in the breeze- it feels like now.

he's family so help for goodness sake.

israk mikraj was fun. thank God for His miracles of everyday. the day started off early. was in school by nine. hung in the orange room for a bit before making my way to sj's class. his eyes still captivate me but perhaps because of my rushing frantically to class before, i suppose the endorphins released from that sprint got me a tad bit more excited about sj. ehehe. but i still do have a soft spot for him. we had a debate bout the intelligent designer. and i was near convinced of the opposition's reasonings. dang..God strengthen my faith in you! seriously i was much disturbed by the one question i could not answer then nor now.

which came first? the chicken or the egg?

its a trite riddle ya but give it a thought and consider it. so then it was an hour break with dee, noelle and sophia. sophia has a queer habit but bless her goodness for actually being resigned to her poor plights..noelle is seemingly resigned too. im even more perplexed at the very idea of their resignation. so then it was amlit. that was much fun despite my nearly nodding off. but wendy's diligence in note-taking sort of jolted me into typing whatever i cld make of wb. my mouth got the better of me in class too especially so after the mid-break. see we were doing emerson and wb was incessantly trying to get the class to acknowledge all the speakers a la kindy style. then out of nowhere my mouth yelled BUT WE'RE DOING EMERSON! well i didnt really yell la but you know spoke in a voice audible to all 57 in class. ahem. so..wb kindly but wrongly gave his attention to me by asking me to explain my outburst. i told him and all that since emerson advocates self-reliance, self-determination, self-confidence and pluck, it would be ironic of us to read Emerson and still chant our acknowledge of them speakers a la kindy style. wb got all serious and straight faced- sternly announcing that whomever believes and practises what i said will have their grades deducted. then wb being wb broke into a laugh and said KIDDING LA RAUDHA! bwahahaha..

anyways, parents just walked in the house at 11pm and my mom told me dad bought some psychedelic printed y-fronts. she told me to put them in the drawer where the rest of them y-fronts were. of course i said no! but out of sheer curiousity of how disastrously horrid the prints were- i took a peek. and! it is in fact season one of new york csi !!!

so im off to work now. where? ny laar!