terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Friday, March 11, 2005

'mad world by michael andrews'

i find it kind of funny. i find it kind of sad. the dreams are dying.

have you felt your dreams dying. unless youve lived in a dream all this while and the rains poured and wiped your soul clean of the fervent hopes brought about by the sun and the sky and the chirpings of the birds and the crunch of the fallen leaves and the sound of laughter and the cooing of babies. the rains been at me lately? nah. its been at everyone and if i havent noticed already, im just one individual. my sorrows are nothing compared to the others. the others suffer even more. its perpetually cold days for them. am glad i still have the will to live, to strive, to strain my eyes to see through the dark clouds for a ray of light, to strain my ears through walls of space to search for a laughter. am glad i can still do all these and share them with you. havent written this down in a while so : i love my parents and i thank God for this life.

take care all.