terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

open yourself.

to be happy, be honest.

but to be honest to oneself may not work for all. what i had failed to acknowledge earlier was that we never are alone. yes, we may be alone in our thoughts, but never in person. our actions, i have come to believe and experienced, have its consequences. big or small-- they are irrevocably consequential.

its the cycle of life la. and its infuriating for me despite my wants, acknowledge that my taking an extra bite is indulging of me.
indulgment is good. no doubts about that. i give myself a treat sometimes. hey lets be honest ya..a treat every other time. like when i missed the bus and im pissed for having missed it. when i manage to finish a page of readings in an hour. when i was frowned at by a stranger.
goodness. every other time. indulging myself and conveniently giving excuses that i deserved to be indulged. you been there?

arh. yes. sure. to be happy, be honest. but dont conveniently excuse yourself for being honest every other time. stealing that extra bite deserted my mother of one. ya sure i was stoned happy-pleased with the frosted chocolate mousse. but my mother missed the wonderful near sinful pleasure. big or small-- irrevocably consequential..

do it like king george. stop at two bites. then go and seem happy about it.


go and seem happy.

take care all. no excuses now..