terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Thursday, June 10, 2004

ono lisa's on this time round. a chore having to choose which video you want so just stick to basics. play the audio cd. yesh. so,

neck aches. either from a rough night. ha. ahem..or been at the comp for many periods. ha again.

this will be short before it be another rough night.

hallo to aishah! nefertiti! noraida! charmaine! nurul! khairul! er..yes. sammie! nirev! the whole list you know..right..hayati! annisa! and the lots! yea!

sigh..somebody had too much sugar. which i did. dark chocolate earlier after lunch. by the way, lunch for me was good. after i grilled the meat, i simmered the marinate, added lemon juice, butter and honey..it was good and so, rewarded myself with some choc. then later, after dinner which was fish and fish, had rhumba frappucinno. usually would get cafe mocha but the shots just gave me headaches so i went with the chills instead.

so yes. neck still aches. and so shall try to ease the pain by turning in this very minute which of course is impossible. how could i turn in this very minute when itd take more than a minute to close my applications, turn the lights off, brush me teeth and tuck meself to bed?

so then. gdnite all and i will turn in after ive done everything i should of which one of them includes saying gdnite to all and God bless.

right. gdnite to all and God bless.


okay..im going now. later.