terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Monday, May 31, 2004

was out early tday with parents- love them. had to settle a few issues and then had a very sleepy brekfast- just tea at bussorah st. dad had his biscuit and bread and tea. by this time, mom was at work. anyways, its settled. the issues. so yes..

dad 'offered' me a ride home and i said no. from clementi, i went to the center where i waited patiently for an hour. the store opened, i chose the one, paid and left. waited for an hour for a few minutes of a frigging transaction. but all is well cos ahem..cashier was well worth the frigging wait, if you know what i mean. ha..

so..now i have two of em, which im gladly satisfied but then, i saw something that just caught me bloody cunning hungry eye. and now im actually considering it. blimey..

anyhows, by the time i got home, it was near 12. watched dawn of the dead..by far, for some apparent reason, it is one of the most nauseating movies ive seen. i dont know..maybe its because in between the movie i was preparing lunch: chicken..

the movie made me sick. which might mean that its convincing and most prob, very sick. the effort into making it so sick is baffling. but anyways, beside the very sick faint feeling i had, it was quite quirky: the script..humour, hope, heads..

with hopes of making me feel less queasy, i watched 50firstdates. beautifully unreal. bizarre..but beautiful. sickeningly so? but hey its drew so..i'll let this slide. :)

so yes. anyways..lisa is on again. palpite infeliz this time. she has successfully kept me both awake and sleepy on many occasions. talk about versatility..

mahalo to shah, nurul, yus, nef, char, the lots..and to annisa who'll be flying in this wed. safe trip to u. take care all and God bless..

all this talk about them two movies..i gotta go get some oils..el dios bendice.