terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Monday, June 07, 2004

and so you realise one day that someone youve respected for, loses a whole lot more than just respect. hmm. nice moves there ol'friend.
anyhows, whatever.
never let yesterday eat up too much of today. real good moves pal.

so yes.

tomorrow's the 8th right. and its a special day.

the transit of venus.

ring a bell? last time it happened was in 1882. earliest recording of the transit was in the 16th Century- when telescopes were invented.

if you havent got a clue what the venus transit is and if you're interested in what im saying, go search on it or something.

so me and friends going to the center to admire the transit which you can also view from wherever you are except for the fact youd have to have the 'proper equipment'..ha.

so dont go looking at the sun with a pair of bino or a tele. im sure we all have enough sense not to voluntarily boil our eyes.

leaving at that yummy note, i'll leave to continue oggling at dar and ejw.

right then. God bless.