terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Friday, June 04, 2004

tautology. something is because it is. the sky is blue because it reflects the blue sea. the sea is blue because it reflects the blue sky.


something is because it is.

in the dictionary, its defined as:

Technically, a formula of the propositional calculus that is true whatever the truth-value assigned to its constituent propositional variables. (A tautology is thus valid, or true in all interpretations.) In more informal contexts a tautology is often thought of as a proposition that 'says nothing', or merely repeats a definition.

which brings us to the simple truth that i have nothing to say and so am rambling pretty much nothing, though it may be of value to certain individuals who find an interest in whatever bull i say.

so there, have a good day. the exhibition ends tday. hope hayati has made a visit. dad and me doing so later tnite. last four days end at midnight so just so u know. and its time for lunch. heading to kitchen to try and cook bolognaise. God bless all..