terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Thursday, March 11, 2004

after friday with my contract officially ending on saturday, the 6th, which is good news for poor old me who hasnt caught any good movies lately. not since january anyways. watched two movies that day in january. yup. cant quite recall them titles. blame the chocolate or the faltering memory? chocolate. im growing older each day. so are you.


followed parents. mom went to work. had brekki with dad. after which, he sent me to that driving school. then, off to school. advice here and there. hallos and see yous. i made my way in the rain later that morning to lovely lido. movie was at 1230. i made me way to borders, isetan market, etc. bought 2 sake and tuna. and an orange. 40 cents- cheap compared to bedok ntuc. so at 1230, watched big fish without the poopcorn or the coke.

goodness. i cried. forgive me but it was beautiful. the cinematography, the storyline, the depressing allusion to life and the need for dreams. touching. entertaining as well. the tears warmed my face. i was cold. warmed me whole self after that with a bit of shopping. went to island shop and bought meself two long blouses. cant describe it but its of shades of blue. i had to buy. well not really. i tried them on. called my mother. asked her whether i could buy them, considering their prices. shes like sure, you're paying right. 'i'll have two of these, thank you' and i left tangs feeling very guilty but at the end of it all, satisfied. ha. reminds me of the movie i watched on wed.

tuesday. stayed at home. watched the net and mackenna's gold. good stuff. dad recommended that old western. did the necessary cleaning then just chilled infront of the telly. cooked myself a mean plate of noodles with penne. strange combination of asian, mexican and italian ingredients. tasted good though. and no, there was no purging thankfully.

so thats it. ''i wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT. i regret to announce that- though i wish i could say more- this is the END. i am going. i am leaving. NOW. GOOD-BYE!''-- Bilbo Baggins of the Shire --