terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

watched whales and shrek with my cousins. slept near 230 yesterday, woke up at 630 and have been keeping myself up since then. though it wasnt too hard given the fact that i had to do lots of things- breathe and well, breathe..seriously, if youd care to know, it wasnt too hard because you know how it is, when youve planned a day, no matter how little you sleep, youd try to see it through. and of course now, im left with a splitting headache after having consumed my 2nd rhumba frappuccino in a week...

so yes. sleep is very much mandatory at present. for those who feel they need a shut-eye, please dont deprive yourself of the luxury.

to nef, whod help alot of ppl in somalia given her present condition, i'll help you pack your bags. :) drink lots of water, as youd already know by now..and vanilla ice-cream! mom says ice-cream soothes the throat or something..somthing she said when she was ill and i was having ice-cream..so.

to shah, beautiful exit. classic woman. :)

to char, 19th june, sat, noon. yes. not friday.. :)

to all, 'someday by the strokes' goes out to you.

take care and God bless.