terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Friday, July 02, 2004

room is still crowded with furniture. got head resting on an overturned chair, right hand resting on another chair and am seated on another.

travis playing in the background with flowers in the window. went to arab st to buy franckincense for tomorrow's occasion. looking forward for it to end. thats when fun begins. cousins staying over and we plan for a late night movie.

rented three more dvds. about a boy, the hours and hope springs. either we watch one of them three or rotk. which is, for me, a sure tear-spiller.

weather's been kind lately. raining in the mornings which helps in making it almost a happy day everyday. hope its the same for you people.

o.g. has plans this sat at fish&co but wont be going given ive got plans of my own. sorry dolus..

for laughs and fond memories of recent brit movie, watch video 'addicted to love' by robert palmer. you'll understand.

hallos to khairul. hallo there. keep in touch right..

hallo to nurul..dont wish to harp on this yet again but nurul, you look good in pink. and if your reading this, send my regards to faizal..thanks.

hallo to parveen whom i constantly intrude until recently..see you tuesday for some lovin with the ever dashing mr. firth..

hallo to noraida and aishah..picnic hari khamis?

hallo to char who has an ass-mirer! who j.w.?

and hallo to you..right then, im in a very awkward position now so shall relieve myself by saying adieu.

take care and God bless.