terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Friday, July 30, 2004

 familiar yet foreign. acquaintances who have become more of strangers. weird. same face and expression clear as before. yet the soul and character have become opaque. arent we lazy? lazy to say hello once in a while. ask how the other is doing and where the person is in life now. im lazy. i barely remember some of their names yet i actually remember their faces.

remember my face. and forget me. thats what ive been doing to them.

keane's playing in the background. keen of keane. last day tday for me. next week school begins and wont end forever. it seems forever the next few years. right. wish me luck.

take care all and remember yourselves. God bless.