terse somethings

tea tempestuous temperamental temporary tendentious tender tentative tempura tepid tasty t(d)electable terminal terse turmoil

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

'once around the block by badly drawn boy'

it has come to a point where my nick is just a full stop. the dot. the little circle that follows after every sentence. the period. it has come to that because it has been dwindling to that.

my hbp is hiding in the cupboard since the 16th because of classes and exam and presentation and test and project. it has been sitting there because i had to put him out of sight. but oh he sure is not out of mind. this friday im bringing him with me. cant wait to get my hands all over him after..just one day will suffice but that would mean having to put away everything else for him! and yet for one magical day with him all else will be oblivious to mine eyes and hands. ahahaha. but seriously before i divvy my time and energy on him, had better divvy up whatever days hours minutes i have left for friday morning. then its one week before the 13! 13 weeks of schoooool. and no i dont mean cool school when i drag the 'o'-s like that.

you knoooooow.......schooooool.

schooooool. schooooool.

bleargh. ya. so for now, compute i will.